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In observance of Independence Day, Special-T offices will be closed Wednesday, July 3rd at 12:00 P.M. EST and will resume normal business hours Monday, July 8th. We wish our friends and team a safe Holiday Weekend!


Warranty Claims Number: 35348

Section I. General Information:

Section II. Reason for Claim:

Section III. Freight Damage:

Claims must be filed within 15 business days from date of delivery. Pictures of damaged good and original cartons are required and must accompany your claim. Failure to include these items will cause delay or denial of your claim.
Freight Damage Noted Upon Arrival:
Was the Box Damaged?
Was Shipment Refused or Visible Damage?
Concealed Damaged:
Was Damage Noted on Bill of Lading?
Are Items Still in Original Packaging?

Section IV: Explanation and Photos:

Brief Explanation of Issue:
Max size: 15Mb per photo

Section V: Shipping of Replacements:

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