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In observance of Independence Day, Special-T offices will be closed Wednesday, July 3rd at 12:00 P.M. EST and will resume normal business hours Monday, July 8th. We wish our friends and team a safe Holiday Weekend!

Frosted Acrylic Screen

Cubicle with Frosted Acrylic Screens

Frosted Acrylic Screen


Price From:

$400.00 List

  • Smooth edges and corners
  • Scratch and smudge resistant
  • Compatible with 1” – 1.25” tops
  • Thickness: 0.19" for 14" Height Panels, 0.25" for 24" and 30" Height Panels
  • 48”, 60”, 72” L (actual size is 1” shorter (length) to allow for 1/2” draft on either side)
  • Frosted Acrylic SafeⓉ Screens have a tolerance of up to .25” less than actual size
  • Panel height: 14", 24", 30"
  • Finish:Frosted White


  • Permanent attachment with brackets mounted through the work surface
  • Optional connections: removable C-clamp with adjustable hand-screw under the table, Free-Standing Foot, Permanent Attachment for Benching and U-Bracket for Cubical Panels
  • Top Alignment Brackets maintain alignment and add stability to your plexiglass and acrylic screens. Available at no additional cost, brackets feature 2-way, 3-way or 4-way connections and are paired based on project requirements.

Cleaning & Care:

Frosted Acrylic are durable materials that require minimal maintenance. Regular care should consist of normal wipe-cleaning with a soft rag or towel. Pay special attention to avoid scratching the surface. Follow manufacturer's Instructions for application and proper ventilation.Never mix household bleach with ammonia or any other cleanser.

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Size Chart

SizePart NumberRecommended Top SizeWeight
14"H x 72"WAP-1472-PS-BR72"W7 lbs
14"H x 60"WAP-1460-PS-BR60"W6 lbs
14"H x 48"WAP-1448-PS-BR48"W5 lbs
24"H x 48"WAP-2448-PS-BR48"W10 lbs
24"H x 60"WAP-2460-PS-BR60"W12 lbs
24"H x 72"WAP-2472-PS-BR72"W14 lbs
24"H x 24"WAP-2424-PS-BR24"D5 lbs
24"D x 30"WAP-2430-PS-BR30"D6 lbs
14"H x 24"WAP-1424-PS-BR24"D3 lbs
14"H x 30"WAP-1430-PS-BR30"D4 lbs
30"H x 24"WAP-3024-PS24" D11
30"H x 30"WAP-3030-PS30"D12
30"H x 36"WAP-3036-PS36" W14
30"H x 42"WAP-3042-PS42" W16
30"H x 48"WAP-3048-PS48"W19
30"H x 60"WAP-3060-PS60"W24
30"H x 72"WAP-3072-PS72"W27

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