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In observance of Independence Day, Special-T offices will be closed Wednesday, July 3rd at 12:00 P.M. EST and will resume normal business hours Monday, July 8th. We wish our friends and team a safe Holiday Weekend!

News & Events

Special-T Develops New CEU Program, ’’Finding Your Why’’

As part of its ongoing commitment to serving as far more than just another provider of product for its business partners, Special-T, a leader in the design, manufacture and distribution of tables for over 20 years, has developed “Finding Your Why,” a new, IDCEC-certified training program for dealer personnel, designers and architects.

The one-hour course explores the fundamental role that office furniture companies play in the business world and explains how embracing a corporate mission that goes beyond merely buying or selling can enable them to not only generate superior performance overall but also increase employee retention, satisfaction and productivity.

“In today’s economy, successful companies are built not from the ground up, but from the purpose up,” says Special-T CEO Steve Rozeboom. “As a company, we’re proud of our tradition of excellence in table design and manufacturing, but we’re even prouder of the difference we have made in the lives of so many of our employees.”

“Since our founding, we have provided ongoing employment opportunities to people in recovery from drug and/or alcohol abuse,” explains Rozeboom. “Helping our team members re-build their lives and giving them a way to regain a sense of confidence and self-esteem is what our ‘Why’ is all about at Special-T. Our new CEU program is designed to show our business partners how they can find their own ‘Why” and use it to bring new value and meaning to their companies and their own personal lives.”

To learn more about “Finding Your Why” or to schedule a presentation for your company, contact Ian Hicks, VP of Sales ihicks@specialt.net or Jack Salter, Regional Sales Manager jack@specialt.net.

CEU Number: CEU-109450
Designation: Health, Safety, Welfare
Learning Level: Basic
Subject Code: 3.Interior Design Education / 1.
Instruction Credit Value: 1 HSW credit

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