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GSA Quote

Items on GSA quotes cannot be combined with items not on GSA contract.


Use Coupon Code “FLIP100” on all Purchase Orders with Flip & Nest tables submitted through the end of the year to receive an additional $100 NET off of each Flip & Nest Table in your Project! Standard Dealer Discounting Only. Some exclusions apply.

Click “CLAIM” below to have coupon code automatically applied to your Flip & Nest table quote!

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In observance of Independence Day, Special-T offices will be closed Wednesday, July 3rd at 12:00 P.M. EST and will resume normal business hours Monday, July 8th. We wish our friends and team a safe Holiday Weekend!

Freight Damage and Claims
For UPS Shipments

Any damage or loss incurred in transit is the responsibility of the courier. Please follow these procedures:

    1. Please inspect all packages immediately with the Carrier present. Make note of any shortages or damage. Claim with your Carrier.
    2. Retain the merchandise and all packing materials for inspection by the Carrier.
    3. Notify Special•T Customer Service team within 5 days of receipt of shipment.
For Common Carrier (LTL)


  •  Note any freight damage or shortages on delivery receipt at time of delivery – tip:  inspect our black shrink wrap for damage
  •  Refuse badly damaged or altered shipments.  

What should you do to avoid freight claim problems?

  • Have a company representative on site for direct shipments
  • Carefully examine each carton for visible damage
  • Verify count

What to do after you discover hidden freight damage:

  • Take pictures of damaged product
  • Call carrier to report damage and schedule inspection
  • Retain damaged items and packaging at original receiving location undesturbed, unaltered and unused

 If damage is noted on delivery receipt, special-t will assist in the filing of claims, and will arrange for replacement products ASAP.    

Special-T IS NOT responsible for concealed damage or shipments that have not followed these simple procedures.

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