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In observance of Independence Day, Special-T offices will be closed Wednesday, July 3rd at 12:00 P.M. EST and will resume normal business hours Monday, July 8th. We wish our friends and team a safe Holiday Weekend!

3 Pillars of

The health and safety of the workforce should be management’s top priority as it considers how to bring operations back to some resemblance of normal. The need for a carefully crafted and supremely well executed plan to secure a safe and healthy environment for people working in commercial and institutional spaces has never been greater.

The basic elements that go to make up a safe and secure workplace include: Entry Screening, Screens & Barriers, Air Purification Systems,

Think of these elements as the three pillars of workplace health and safety. Each one on their own can provide a certain measure of protection against Covid-19 and similar threats but when used in combination, they create a solution greater than just the sum of its parts that provides the most sensible, visually secure and environmentally safe workspace.

Safe-T Entry Access Control
Entry Screening

Safe-T Entry Access powered by Clear2 is a first line of defence, wellness management screening solutions that provides temperature and symptoms checking to protect employees and clients.

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Safe-T Screens & Barriers
Screens & Barriers

Designed to be easily retrofit into existing cubicles, open plan work areas, student and teacher desks, dining and collaboration areas.

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Safe-T Air Purification
Air Purification

Safe-T Air Purification products offer superior air purification through sophisticated filtration system, high volume air flow capacity, and lower sound levels that any other premium air purifier on the market today.

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