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In observance of Independence Day, Special-T offices will be closed Wednesday, July 3rd at 12:00 P.M. EST and will resume normal business hours Monday, July 8th. We wish our friends and team a safe Holiday Weekend!

Simple FREE mobile app

Users complete a daily health screening in the Clear2 app before coming to work or school. The app allows for daily symptom assessment based on CDC symptoms and guidelines and prevents people with symptoms to enter the building in order to mitigate interaction of sick employees. Once in a building, a person can validate their status with a quick temperature check using the Thermal Screening Kiosk.

Integrated temperature Kiosk

Integrated temperature Kiosk

Using the hands-free thermal temperature scanning kiosk, temperature is verified, and a validation QR code is issued to either the employee or guest. This validation is required for entry into the location

Real-Time tracking and reporting

The Clear2 administrative portal gives organizations a real time, streamlined view of all recorded activity. Each user’s status is clearly shown, along with all validation and Check-In dates and times.

Real-Time tracking and reporting


A custom telehealth link can be added for clients with their own provider. Remediation options can be customized, and this link can connect to a customer’s own telehealth provider or human resource department.

Flexible solutions for ALL businesses and industries

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Your Name:
Your Company Name:
Your Email:
Your Phone Number:

Tell us about the project and the customer interested in Clear2 product.

End User Company Name:
End User Contact Name:
End User Phone Number:
End User Email:
Number of employees:

This will determine how many user accounts are needed

Average number of guests per week:

Average number of guests per week.
This will determine how much data will flow through the guest check-in

Number of unique locations (buildings, floors, wings):

This determines how many unique data reporting locations a company needs.
Each data point further granularizes the location based user tracing.

What type of check-in locations?
Number of entry points to each unique location:

This determines how many signage packages will need to be created and sent

Number of integrated kiosks:

This determines how many entrances the company wants to automate with *unmanned entry validation.

Does end user utilize telehealth service for their employees?
Comments :

This determines how many entrances the company wants to automate with *unmanned entry validation.

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